The BIG Party Manifesto is Launched

The BIG Party will introduce these 4 policies as soon as it is elected. Roll on General Election 2015 1.   £11,375 a year Unconditional Basic Income paid to every UK adult.2.   50% income tax on ALL other earned income.3.   5% sales tax on all transactions, whenever money is turned over/transacted/spent4.   Nationalise the Bank of England. […]

Bstard Stands Down………………………

Yesterday I finally decided not to go ahead with my campaign for mayor. Ultimately it has come down to money. I really can’t justify spending the £1250 fee to enter the election and to be in the Official Electoral Address Brochure. It’s been a really really tough decision, but I also found out earlier this […]

Where Will All The Money Come From?

The Evening Post has published my “Speakers Corner” article outlining my Manifesto promise. Prompting lots of questions and interest. Heres my answer about where does the money come from, how its created, hope it answered his question. I love questions 🙂 ANSWER: ok first, I don’t pretend to know all the answers. I do know, […]